Thank You!
Dear Lake County Supporter:
On behalf of the residents of Lake County and all of us here with the Lake Area Rotary Club Association, I want to offer our sincere thank you for your donation to our Fire Relief Fund. The outpouring of support that our community has seen this summer has been overwhelming and incredibly heartwarming. Your generosity is going to help us rebuild the soul and the structure of our community!
The fires that ripped through Lake County this summer have destroyed an unprecedented number of homes, businesses, and disrupted the lives of many of our residents. The Lake Area Rotary Club Fire Relief Fund is poised, along with several other local non-profits, to lead the way on the recovery and rebuilding process. It’s a monumental task given the magnitude of the destruction but we will prevail! Our committee has been formed and has begun to establish the procedures and protocols for the deployment of the funds as well as identifying, assessing and prioritizing the needs of the fire victims. We have also met with the other local non-profit associations that have received large cash donations and are coordinating our efforts so that the funds are utilized in the highest and best manner. An immediate need that has been identified by our committee, is the impact that the small businesses in the affected area have suffered. The Lake Area Rotary Club Fire Fund is offering grants to those businesses to assist them in rebuilding, re-opening and beginning to serve their communities again. It’s just one of the many projects we will be taking on.
We know that this is going to be a long process of recovery but the residents of Lake County have shown their resilience and, with your help, we will rebuild. We are continuing to receive donations and it has become apparent that we will certainly need them. Thank you again, for your continued support.
Andy Peterson
Lake Area Rotary Club Association Fire Relief Fund Chair